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two young sisters smiling holding up an open photo book


For the Grandparents: 21 Things We Want To Do With You Again!

Create a CEWE PHOTOBOOK with your children that captures the hope and anticipation for joint ventures with their grandparents in pictures and words.

Make grandma and grandpa smile with their very own CEWE PHOTOBOOK from the grandchildren. Now that life has returned to a sense of normality, help the little ones fill their photo book with a combination of loving messages and favourite photos of things they can’t wait to do with their grandparents again. Read on for tips and ideas for designing a beautiful CEWE PHOTOBOOK filled with possible activities to do with the grandparents this summer.

square photo book titled 21 things we can finally do.
Joyful moments: Baking with grandma is a pleasure.

A modern square photo book is ideal for showcasing all the activities that the children can’t wait to do with their grandparents as it is versatile and easy to arrange photos in both portrait and landscape formats. For the design, we recommend using a double page spread per activity, with one page containing text and the other page displaying your photo.

Explore the abundance of new Clipart within our free downloadable Creator Software and add character to your CEWE PHOTOBOOK in an instant. Browse the ‘Travel’ category in Clipart to find a whole host of inspirational sayings and typography Clipart that will work perfectly for this photo book of activities. You can edit the colour of your Clipart by double-clicking on the inserted illustration, and add your own messages to specify each activity using the text tool too.

Ideas to Get Your Photo Book Started

Square photo book open to pages showing grandkids gardening

Gardening is Fun

Digging in the garden with grandma and grandpa is a lot of fun for both generations. Whether sowing seeds, watering flowers or cutting the hedge, spending time outside in the garden together can feel as joyful as a small holiday. Discover plenty of suitable gardening-themed Clipart under the ‘Recreation’ category in the Creator Software.

photo book showing child smiling over bowl of ice cream

Feasting Together

Is visiting an ice cream shop at the top of the list of things the children want to finally do again with grandma and grandpa? Add a photo from their last trip there together in your personalised album - and until it's that time again, both young and old can already think about which ice cream flavour they’ll be eating when they next visit.

image of beach trip and text printed in a holiday photo book

Off to the Beach

Soft sand, bright sunshine and a salty breeze – this is what summer feels like. The excitement and anticipation of summer trips to the beach warms the mind and heart. Let grandma and grandpa know that they should be with you on your next trip to the beach, especially to help with building the biggest and the best sandcastle in the world with the kids!

photo book open to page with building a campfire as a task to do together

Roasting Marshmallows

Ending a summer evening around the campfire is an unforgettable experience for all ages. If the children have already experienced a moment around the campfire without grandma and grandpa, you can arrange another one with the grandparents present. There’s sure to be an interesting discussion between the generations on what makes a good fire!

woodland photography and quote printed in photo book

Out in the Wild

Over the past year, many of us have come to realise how many beautiful places we have right here on our doorsteps. Exploring the local vicinity or taking a trip further afield can be more fun with the grandparents present, so let them know that you’d love them to join you on your next trip in the wild in a photo book.

Start Creating Memories Together

The things that the children can’t wait to do with their grandparents don’t have to be crazy, big adventures. It is often the small moments and experiences that make up our everyday life – especially during childhood and as life as grandparents. Whether it’s simply going for a walk, solving crossword puzzles or taking a bike ride together, every little moment brings joy and creates heart-warming memories that will last a lifetime. The main thing is that you are together again!

Create your CEWE PHOTOBOOK today
memory of family bike ride printed in a personalised album.

Share your CEWE PHOTOBOOK or summer adventures with the grandparents on social media using the hashtag #BootsPhoto.

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