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Could you be a CEWE Ambassador?

We’re on the lookout for people like you to share their special stories with us! Whether it’s on a blog post or a TV advert, we love to showcase the ways our customers create CEWE photo products.

Have you created a CEWE PHOTOBOOK recently? Whether you designed one as a gift for someone special to preserve a specific event or milestone, tell us the story behind your CEWE PHOTOBOOK and you could feature as a CEWE Ambassador.

Fill in the form below and tell us in a few words about the special moments that you captured in your CEWE PHOTOBOOK.

Please note that anything you choose to send us will not be shared anywhere outside our initial conversations.

Have You Made a CEWE PHOTOBOOK Recently?

Have you created a CEWE PHOTOBOOK as a gift or to preserve a specific event or milestone?

Email us today and tell us about these special moments in a few words which will provide us with an insight into your CEWE PHOTOBOOK story.

Please note: Anything you chose to send us will not be shared anywhere outside our initial conversations. You are not obliged to participate any further than you feel comfortable with – this is a space for you to share what means the most to you.